Using Coupons
Discount Link (without code):
1. Click on Grab Discount;
2. You will be redirected to the store;
3. The discount will appear directly in the value of the product or when it is added to the shopping cart.
Discount Coupon (with code):
1. Click on Grab Discount;
2. Click Copy Code to save it in the memory of your computer and then click on Go to Store;
3. In the store, go to the cart and paste the code in the specified area .
Important: All coupons have rules and exceptions of use. Always be aware of them to know which products are included in the promotion!
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Click on Activate cashback or choose a coupon and click Grab Discount.
Make your purchase
Once you activate the cashback we will direct you to the store and you can buy as usual.
After completing your purchase, the store will tell us about your purchase, and it will appear within a few days on your transaction history.
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A Infoglobo através de seus produtos - os jornais O Globo, Extra e
Expresso, com os sites Globo e Extra e a Agência O Globo - tem o dever
de apurar o fato, oferecendo aos seus leitores a informação mais
completa, sempre com a preocupação de adequar a linguagem ao público a
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